I'm a medical student interested in radiology and leveraging technology to improve human health.

Check out some of my projects and what I do for fun! Get in touch with me on LinkedIn or email.

Allison Chae Headshot

About Me

Allison Chae Ultrasound

I'm a medical student at the University of Pennsylvania interested in diagnostic radiology.

저는 영상의학과에 지원하는 University of Pennsylvania 의대 학년 학생입니다.

I do research exploring clinical applications of up-and-coming technologies to radiologist workflows, and help lead the ultrasound and radiology interest groups at Penn.

저는 방사선 전문의 워크플로에 대한 최신 기술 임상 적용을 탐구하는 연구를 하고 Penn 에서 초음파 방사선 분야의 관심 그룹을 이끄는 도움을 줍니다.

I'm passionate about developing responsible and ethical AI to improve patient outcomes and equitable care.

저는 환자 결과와 공평한 치료 개선하기 위해 윤리적인 AI 개발하고 있습니다.

Prior to med school, I graduated from USC with a Bachelor's in Biology and minor in Accounting.

의대에 입학하기 전에 저는 USC 에서 생물학 학사, 회계학 부전공으로 졸업했습니다.

Curriculum Vitae

A PDF copy of my CV can be found here.



MD Candidate (University of Pennsylvania)
2023 AΩA Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship Recipient


BA Biology, Minor in Accounting (University of Southern California)

Publications and Talks

Chae A†, Yao MS†, Sagreiya H, Chatterjee N, MacLean MT, Duda J, Elahi A, Borthakur A, Ritchie MD, Rader D, Kahn CE, Witschey WR, Gee JC. (2023). Strategies for Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms in the Clinical Practice of Radiology. Radiology 2024

Yao MS†, Chae A†, MacLean MT, Verma A, Duda J, Gee JC, Torigian DA, Rader D, Kahn CE, Witschey WR, Sagreiya H. (2023). SynthA1c: Patient Representations for Diabetes Risk Stratification. Proc. PRIME-MICCAI 2023

Chae A, Yao M, MacLean MT, Verma A, Duda J, Gee J, Torigian DA, Rader D, Kahn C, Witschey WR, Sagreiya H. (2022). Augmenting Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk Prediction Models with Learning-Based Methods for Medical Image Analysis. Oral presentation at SIIM Conference on Machine Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CMIMI)

Khunte M, Chae A, Wang R, Jain R, Sun Y, Sollee JR, Jiao Z, Bai HX. (2022). Trends in Clinical Validation and Usage of FDA-Cleared AI Algorithms for Medical Imaging. Clinical Radiology

†Equal contribution.

Relevant Experience


Research Fellow, Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging Lab (University of Pennsylvania)

Implemented fully supervised and interpretable deep learning models to predict patient Type 2 Diabetes risk from abdominal CT scans, and explored topological metrics to assess model generalization capacity to out-of-domain distributions. Supported by the AΩA Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship and the Diagnostic Radiology Research Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania.


Chair, Radiology Interest Group (University of Pennsylvania)

Organize career panels and networking events for medical students interested in applying for residency in diagnostic radiology.


Board Member, SONO Ultrasound Interest Group (University of Pennsylvania)

Host regular ultrasound scanning sessions for first-year medical students, ultrasound scanning competitions, career panels, and outreach ultrasound tutorials for high-school and college students.


Research Fellow, Radiology AI Lab (Brown University)

Investigated trends in FDA-cleared AI algorithms for medical imaging. Conducted a retrospective study that analyzed 510(k) summaries and de novo request submittion data using Microsoft Excel and Python.


Product Strategist, Sentinel Cloud

Lead design and feature development of a web-based EHR. Conduct market research to identify the company's target market and overall industry trends.


Consultant, Penn Biotech Group (University of Pennsylvania)

Part-time consultant for a Series A medical imaging startup. Assessed the clinical limitations of currently available imaging modalities and their cardiovascular indications.


Senior Content Developer, Blueprint Test Prep

Planned, developed and launched the MCAT Live Online Course that has made $8+ million in revenue to date. Helped redesign content team management structure through advocating for Scrum workflow adaptation, and implementation of OKR's and Sprint management tools.

Let's Talk!


jisoo [dot] chae [at] pennmedicine [dot] upenn [dot] edu